Thursday, November 11, 2010

Recall that during the latter days of the Bush presidency, the media was relentless in covering all the evils of the prison at Guantanamo Bay (affectionately referred to as "Club Gitmo" by Rush Limbaugh)? Recall one of Obama's major campaign promises was to shut down Gitmo and move the prisoners to the USA? Well the club is still open for business and Obama has not followed through on his promise. But even more striking is that the media coverage on this has virtually disappeared.

This is a classic example of liberal hypocrisy and media bias in action. The liberals don't really care about the prisoners at Gitmo.  Rather, it was a convenient political tool for them to hammer our then president Bush. And the biased liberal media was equally complicit in this folly. Gitmo is a perfect location for these prisoners - a military prison on an island close to but not in the USA. Obama wants to move these prisoners to the continental USA, but nobody wants them living next door. The media bias is so blatant, not only in how they report stories, but perhaps more importantly what they choose to put in or leave out.

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